Our Proud Page

A huge well done to our very own Mr Shaw for winning a silver award for Headteacher of the year in a primary school. He will now attend a special event in London in November to see if he is a gold winner. Well done!

A huge well done to Gracie who won 'Dancer of the competition' at the Dance Daze Competition. Out of over 200 children your passion and energy stood out and you were the judge's favourite. We couldn't be prouder. 

We love to see children attending booster sessions before and after school. Well done to this superstar Year 4 who is a regular. 




Look at this amazing work from a Year 4 child who completed further research on Howard Carter at home. 

Thank you Lacey for sharing your family hisotry of WW2 Heroes.  


Wow Riley we love your poem 'What I didn't do during the summer holidays'. Thanks for sharing it with us. 


A new academic year has started and Dennis has made a fantastic start. He has created his own times table book at home. He was thrilled to recieve a phone call from Mr Shaw to congratulate him. 

We are so proud that our school was shortlisted as Primary School of the Year 2022 in the TES Awards. Here are some of our staff celebrating at the awards in London.

Well Done H onringing that bell. You are an inspiration to us all!

Charlotte has made huge progress with her reading this year and we are super proud of her. As a result, we got her to ring home from the 'Headteacher's Office' and tell her Mum of her great work!

Well done Isaac on winning the Under 9's Summer Champion League 2022 with Brampton Rovers. 

A huge congratulations to these amazing Year 4 readers who have all surpassed the 100 read mark- an excellent achievement!


A special mention to Ester who so thoughtfully bought a bag of 2p coins along with her on the school trip to the Cruicible. She wanted all of her friends to be able to make a wish in the well at the Winter Gardens. 

Year 3 worked exceptionally hard with the lovely ladies from Chatsworth, TIna and Kerri, to create their own shelters/dens. They worked as wonderful teams and produced some lovely shelters wiith great ideas contributed by all for things like apple doorbells, leaf carpets and straw sides to ensure the animals keep warm. Well done Year 3.


Great work from Y3 Children really embracing their focused Chatsworth Art Awards artist, Andy Goldsworthy. They used their land art cards to create their own art using nature, just like he does. All worked exceptionally hard and got stuck in, inspite of the weather (it really rained).

Well done to our Year 6 Forest School group who have worked tirelessly to resdesign the area next to Miss Carter's Clasroom. We are very proud of your efforts and determination. 


How wonderful is this? Bringing in her Great Grandad's war medals to showcase to the class. 



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The school was inspected by Ofsted in May 2022. The school continues to be rated as a good school.

Read the report here >